Lighting Services

Nightwatchman Lights

Austin Energy provides affordable, maintenance-free Nightwatchman lighting services within the Austin Energy service area.

Our lighting systems balance the demand for lighting and energy efficiency with your needs for safety and security. They are activated automatically by use of a photocell.

Our Distribution Design staff can provide information on a complete lighting system package that includes design, engineering, installation, and maintenance of all lighting systems.


Outdoor lighting discourages theft and vandalism, enhances personal safety, and reduces the potential for accidents.

The Austin Police Department Crime Prevention Team recommends the use of outdoor Nightwatchman lights for your property or business.


Austin Energy mounts Nightwatchman lighting systems on existing utility poles. Pole-mounted lighting provides uniform illumination and greater coverage than lighting systems mounted on building structures.


Austin Energy maintains all installed Nightwatchman lighting equipment.

Cost and Billing

If you are an Austin Energy customer, your monthly Nightwatchman lighting services charge is included on your regular City of Austin utility bill.

Request Service, Report Problems

Call Austin 3-1-1 or email Street Lighting Services to request service or report problems with outdoor lighting. Submit a request for new or additional lighting. 

Provide the following information with your request:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Daytime phone number or email address
  • Location of the streetlight in need of repair
  • Location of the area in need of additional lighting
  • Pole number (if available)

Repairs will be completed within three working days.

Other Utility Services

Date last reviewed or modified: 11/21/2023